Psalms 33:3
Sing unto 'Him' a new song;
Play Skillfully... with a Loud Noise.
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And 'AGAIN' when... 'He' bringeth in the 'Firstbegotten' into the World.
He saith, "And let all the Angels of God worship...'Him'.
Matthew 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the Angels of Heaven,
but... my Father only.
He set singers before the altar...that by
their Voices they might make sweet melody.
And daily sing praises in their songs.
(Jesus said to his Apostles)
"Marvel not that I said unto thee... 'Ye' MUST be born AGAIN.(reincarnated)
Being Born AGAIN(reincarnated)... not of corruptible seed... but incorruptible.
Godlike Ones of the Lofty Elim of Knowledge
Rock n Roll Him Book
Then He said... "To what shall we 'liken' the Kingdom of God?
Or with what 'Parable' shall we 'Picture' it?
Psalm33:3 (King David)
Sing unto 'Him'a 'New Song'.
Play 'SKILLFULLY'..... with a 'LOUD NOISE'.
For 'We' have not followed cunningly devised fables when We
made known unto You the Power and Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
but ...were Eyewitnesses of His Majesty.
'Who'... is Blind, but... My Servant?
Or Deaf... as My Messenger that I sent?
'Who'..... is as Blind as 'He' that is Perfect?
And Blind... as the Lord's Servant?
Revelations 3:17
Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods,
and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched,
and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
"Blind Faith" by Blind Faith (Walk on Fire album)
"How can you have the Power of God...and not have the Man of God?
That's what they say... ha ha!
Preacher of the Word... a Vision on the screen.
Won't you open up your Sacred World to Me.
I'm in need of this Sanctuary, and I wonder could it ever be...
Living in the Kingdom of Love next to You?
I believe in the Sacrament... and Saviors of the World.
And I believe... yes, I believe... You got the Power.... Blind Faith.
I believe every Word I hear.
Blind Faith... listen to the words of the Magic Man.
Blind Faith... it's all so clear.
Blind Faith... Your time is near.
Heal Me... can't You hear me?
Voodoo Charm... ain't going to save You...
from the Fires that burn so bright.
My hands held high... I'll say a prayer for You.
Salvations running high tonight.
I believe in the Sacrament... and Saviors of the World.
I believe... Yes, I believe.... You got the Power... Blind Faith.
I believe every 'Word' I hear.
Blind Faith... Listen to the words of the Magic Man.
Blind Faith.... it's all so clear.
Blind Faith.... Your time is near.
Heal me... Saviors of the World.
Can't you hear Me? I said heal... heal Me.
Saviors of the World.... I'm calling You.
Saviors of the World.... Blind Faith... I'm calling You."