Psalm33:3 (King David)
Sing unto 'Him'a 'New Song'.
Play 'SKILLFULLY'..... with a 'LOUD NOISE'.
Genesis 37:9
And he dreamed yet another dream... and told it
to his brethren, and said..."behold..I have dreamed a dream... more.
And behold... the sun and the moon... and the eleven stars made
obeisance to me."
And they said, one to another.
Behold... this Dreamer cometh.
Then the Lord a mighty man...
that shouteth by reason of wine.
Alas for the day! For the Day of the Lord is near, and it
will come as Destruction from the Almighty.
"Dream is Over" by Van Halen
Hey... come on man... wake up.
I see the Power... changing hands.
Risen from your streets.
A self made business man... knows how the system can be beat.
Oh, we're the lost generation... have no place to go.
The road to Destruction... is all we need to know.
'Cuz it's a rip off... we're stepped on and cheated.
We're flat stone cold lied to...we're not defeated. No!
It's ah.....easy money... it's a way out.... join the family.
No middleman... no i.r.s.... your ticket out of poverty.
Oh we're the lost generation... I hold fate from a string.
Lookin' for direction... reachin' out for anything.
So... dream another dream... this dream is over.
Dream another dream... this dream is over... over... yeah!
So dream another dream.
Ow...! Hey...! It's a rip off!
We're stepped on and cheated... flat stone cold lied to.
We're not defeated.... No!
Dream another dream... this dream is over.
Dream another dream... this dream is over.
Dream another dream... this dream is over.
Dream another dream... this dream is over.
Dream another dream... this dream is over.
Dream another dream... this dream is over.
Dream another dream... this dream is over.
(Jesus said to his Apostles)
"Marvel not that I said unto thee... 'Ye' MUST be born AGAIN.(reincarnated)
Being Born AGAIN(reincarnated)... not of corruptible seed... but incorruptible.
Godlike Ones of the Lofty Elim of Knowledge
Rock n Roll Him Book
Then He said... "To what shall we 'liken' the Kingdom of God?
Or with what 'Parable' shall we 'Picture' it?
Psalms 33:3
Sing unto 'Him' a new song;
Play Skillfully... with a Loud Noise.
copy and paste to email
And 'AGAIN' when... 'He' bringeth in the 'Firstbegotten' into the World.
He saith, "And let all the Angels of God worship...'Him'.
Matthew 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the Angels of Heaven,
but... my Father only.
He set singers before the altar...that by
their Voices they might make sweet melody.
And daily sing praises in their songs.